

  • 19
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:其他有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 河南省 周口 川汇区莲花路西段
  • 姓名: 张保仁
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:冶金 金属合金制品 轴承合金
  • 发布日期:2024-10-25
  • 阅读量:170
  • 价格:110.00 元/公斤 起
  • 产品规格:多种
  • 产品数量:500000.00 公斤
  • 包装说明:标准木箱
  • 发货地址:河南周口  
  • 关键词:锡基合金价格,轴承合金价格


      本厂拥有*的生产设备,*的生产技术,经多道检测工序生产出来的锡基巴氏合金、铅基巴氏合金,均符合国家标准,多次被技术监督部门评为省级优质产品。经过全体员工多年不懈的努力,本厂产品已通过ISO9000系列标准及质量体系认证。本厂产品经许多厂家使用后,反映良好,并**全国20多个省市。本厂始终坚持“质量为上,信誉为尊,一切为用户”的原则,严把产品质量关,坚持“同等产品比价格,同样价格比质量”,使产品更具有市场竞争力。 我公司诚信经营,以质为本,热忱欢迎广大客户来人来电洽谈业务,共谋商机!
    联系电话: 0394-5739107 传 真: 0394-5739107
    联 系 Q 移动电话: 
    电子邮箱: huanyukeji@
    邮政编码: 466000
    联系人:张保仁  经理
    联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1号
    Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. produces various types of babbitt, it has a wear-resistant, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and other advantages. With Turbine Bearing; the ball mill Model bearing; beater mill, dryer machine bearings; ship spiral mechanical bearings, bushings. Compression machinery bearings, bushings; rolling mill bearing; chemical machinery, petroleum machinery and other large machinery and equipment, bearings, bushings, bushings. The elevator sling babbitt. Cement ball mill equipment spherical bush, ship spiral mechanical bearings, bushings. Compression machinery bearings, bushings. Chemical machinery, petroleum machinery and other large machinery and equipment, bearings, bushings, bushings. Machine. Pulp machine, dryer paper making equipment bearings, bushings, bushings; power plants, cement factories, shipyards, steel, machinery, chemical machinery, paper machinery, petroleum machinery, ship machinery, compression machinery, mining machinery, mineral processing equipment.
      Categories: the Xiji Ba's alloy, lead Chiba's alloy, babbitt wire, dedicated elevator the babbitt, wire rope slings babbitt. The same time, the Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. in the north (Beijing) high-tech technical support, product life is the domestic counterparts 2-3 times, to reach the domestic top-level scientific and technological content.
      Our factory has first-class production equipment, first-class production technology, produced by the multi-channel detection process tin-based, lead Chiba's alloy, are in line with national standards, has repeatedly been named the provincial quality products and technology supervision department. After years of unremitting efforts of all staff, Our products have passed the ISO 9000 series of standards and quality system certification. Our products are used by many manufacturers, reflecting the good, and exported to more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide. We always adhere to the principle of "quality, credibility respect for all users" of strict product quality, adhere to the same product than the price, the same price than quality, "to make our products more competitive on the market. Our integrity management, quality-oriented, warmly welcome customers call to discuss business, and seek business opportunities!
    欢迎来到周口环宇金属科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是河南省周口川汇区莲花路西段,老板是张保仁。 主要经营供各种规格优质耐磨巴氏合金,锡基巴氏合金,铅基巴氏合金,巴氏合金轴瓦,巴氏合金轴衬,巴氏合金衬套,低熔点合金等。为电厂、水泥厂、造船厂、钢铁机械、化工机械、造纸机械、石油机械、船舶机械、压缩机械、煤矿机械、选矿设备等提供各种抗磨轴承设备及其维修服务,并按客户需求代研发抗磨损材料及设备。 。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我公司主要供应巴氏合金,锡基合金,轴承合金等,产品销售全国,深受企业用户的信任和**!期待与您的合作!